Hang Dinh
(or "Đinh Trung Hằng" in Vietnamese) I am also a co-founder of ExtentWorld, an all-encompassing social media platform that rivals Fcebook's privacy policy. |
Courses taught
at IU South Bend:
New courses developed:
computing: quantum lower bounds,
quantum algorithms, quantum Fourier sampling, post-quantum cryptography.
computing: computer security,
algorithms analysis and design, heuristic search.
Theoretical computer
science education.
Hang Dinh, Alexander
Russell, and Cristopher Moore. Limitations of single coset states and quantum algorithms for Code Equivalence.
Quantum Information & Computation,
15(3 & 4):0260--0294, March 2015.
Michael R. Scheessele, Hang Dinh, and Mahesh Ananth.
On adding a critical
thinking module to a discrete structures course. To appear in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.
Presented at Consortium for Computing
Sciences in Colleges -- Northeastern Region (CCSCNE 2015),
Worcester, MA, April 2015.
Hang Dinh. Inconsistency versus accuracy of
heuristics. In Proceedings of the 27th
Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2014), volume
8436 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 71--82, Montreal,
Qúebec, Canada, May 2014. Springer.
Tuyen X. Tran, Nghi H. Tran, Hamid
Reza Bahrami, Hang Dinh, and Shivakumar
Sastry. On
achievable rate and ergodic capacity of OAF
multiple-relay networks with CSI. In Proceedings of the IEEE 77th
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Spring), pages 1--6, Dresden,
Germany, June 2013.
Hang Dinh, Hieu Dinh, Laurent Michel, and Alexander Russell. The time complexity of A* with
approximate heuristics on multiple-solution search spaces. Journal of
Artificial Intelligence Research, 45:685-729, December 2012.
Hang Dinh, Cristopher Moore, and Alexander Russell. McEliece and Niederreiter Cryptosystems That Resist Quantum Fourier
Sampling Attacks. In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2011: 31st Annual Cryptology Comference
Proceedings. Santa Barbara, CA, August 2011. Springer.
Hang Dinh, Cristopher Moore, and Alexander Russell. The McEliece Cryptosystem Resists
Quantum Fourier Sampling Attacks. Preprint 2010. Accepted to QIP 2011 as a contributed talk. Featured
in Popular Science, Technology Review, and Slashdot.
Hang Dinh and
Alexander Russell. Quantum and Randomized Lower Bounds for Local Search on
Vertex-Transitive Graphs. Quantum Information & Computation, Vol.10, No.7&8, pages 0636-0652, July
2010. Conference version appeared in RANDOM
2008, Boston, MA.
Hang Dinh, Alexander
Russell and Yuan Su. On the Value of Good Advice: The Complexity of A* Search
with Accurate Heuristics. In Proceedings of AAAI-07, pages 1140-1145, Vacouver, Canada, July 2007.
Eugene Santos Jr. and
Hang T. Dinh. On Automatic Knowledge Validation for Bayesian Knowledge Bases. Data
and Knowledge Engineering 64(1): 218-241, January 2008.
Eugene Santos Jr. and
Hang T. Dinh. Consistency of Test Cases in Validation of Bayesian Knowledge-Bases. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE
Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004), pages
468-475, Boca Raton, FL, November 2004.